Exploring his own dark memories may be the only way to find a killer...
When Bergen PI Varg Veum finds himself at the funeral of a former classmate on a sleet-grey December afternoon, he's unexpectedly reunited with his old friend Jakob - guitarist of the once-famous 1960s rock band The Harpers - and his estranged wife, Rebecca, Veum's first love.
Their rekindled friendship is thrown into jeopardy by the discovery of a horrific murder, and Veum is forced to dig deep into his own adolescence and his darkest memories, to find a motive ... and a killer.
Tense, vivid and deeply unsettling, Fallen Angels is the spellbinding, award-winning thriller that secured Gunnar Staalesen's reputation as one of the world's foremost crime writers.
Utgivelsesår: 2021
Forlag: Orenda Books
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 276
Isbn nr.: 9781913193065
Språk: UK
Norwegian authors
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