How to find dignity and a meaningful life in the modern city
In this reissue of the 1972 classic of social anatomy, Richard Sennets adds a new introduction to show how the injuries of class persist into the 21st century. In this intrepid, groundbreaking book, Richard Sennett and Jonathan Cobb uncover and define a new form of class conflict in America an internal conflict in the heart and mind of the blue-collar worker who measures his own value against those lives and occupations to which our society gives a special premium.
The authors conclude that in the games of hierarchical respect, no class can emerge the victor; and that true egalitarianism can be achieved only by rediscovering diverse concepts of human dignity. Examining personal feelings in terms of a totality of human relations, and looking beyond the struggle for economic survival, The Hidden Injuries of Class takes an important step forward in the sociological critique of everyday life.
Utgivelsesår: 2023
Forlag: Verso
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 275
Isbn nr.: 9781839767951
Språk: UK
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