NYHETSBREV - 2022-12-11


Bob Nickas
Med fler...

Endelig! Denne boka er det mange som har ventet på helt siden Tom Sandberg (RIP) forlot oss i 2014. Den første store retrospektive monografien, utarbeidet i tett samarbeid med Tom Sandberg-stiftelsen.

Tom Sandberg er en av Norges viktigste fotografer, og svært anerkjent i resten av Skandinavia og Europa. Han hadde soloutstilling på Moma i New York i 2007.

Han jobbet hele sitt kunstnerskap med gjengivelsen av verden, hverdagslige former og gjenstander, abstrahert til ren form. Bildene er subtile og transformative, studier av stillhet som utstråler en egen gjenkjennelig mystikk. Han var perfeksjonist på mørkerommet, og usedvanlig sensitiv for svarthvittskalaen. Mørkeromskopiene hans har en sterk fysisk tilstedeværelse, og boka er nydelig trykket, så nært opp til disse som mulig.


Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Aperture
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 224
Språk: UK

pris: 799.00


Monografien Melted Snow, utgitt på det sveitsiske forlaget Lenz Press, introduserer Ida Ekblads omfattende verk, og dokumenterer karrieren fra 2007 til 2021, med fokus på kunsten hennes og hvordan hun kontinuerlig utfordrer den gjennom sine egne utstillinger. Den er på 500 sider, med 398 illustrasjoner, tre essays og en samtale med kunstneren. Bidrag av Daniel Baumann, Stian Grøgaard, Martha Kirszenbaum og Agnes Moraux.


Forlagets omtale:

Ida Ekblad is a painter, sculptor, publisher, music producer, curator, and designer. She also writes. Her sources of inspiration include folk art, fashion, garbage, Samuel Beckett, youth culture, the natural forces of the elements, Gena Rowlands, traditional crafts, and so on. Everyday life is central to her work—as an imposition, but also conveying grace; as a voracious monster and a source of happiness; as a disaster and a glimmer of hope—for in Ekblad’s view, everything is full of promise, including art. Melted Snow, published three years after Ekblad’s exhibition FRA ÅRE TIL OVN at Kunsthalle Zürich, is a lavish and riveting collection of works and exhibitions from 2007–2021, accompanied by newly commissioned texts and a conversation between the artist and Agnes Moraux. “Mess can be confusing to deal with,” Ekblad concedes, “but mess is never out of focus.”

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Lenz Press
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 500
Språk: UK





Stargate er en julefortelling om barn og fulle folk og sannheten.

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Gyldendal
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 142
Språk: NO

pris: 199.00




The Book of Phobias and Manias er et spennende kompendium med 99 tvangstanker som har formet oss alle.
 Fobier og manier er dypt personlige opplevelser, og blant de vanligste angstlidelsene i vår tid, men de er også ledetråder til vår felles fortid. Den prisbelønte forfatteren Kate Summerscale bruker rike og medrivende saksstudier for å spore opprinnelsen til våre tvangstanker, avdekke en historie med menneskelig fremmedgjøring, fra middelalderen til i dag, og et vell av forklaringer på noen av våre kraftigste aversjoner og lyster.

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Wellcome Collection
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 256
Språk: UK

pris: 299.00


Jamaica Kincaids hagebok er en blanding av essay, memoarer og entusiastiske notater. Med et virvlende vakkert språk som er gjenkjennelig fra romanene hennes, snakker hun om sine lidenskaper og sine feil, hun leser frøkataloger og biografier om gartnere, hun besøker Monets hage og Chelsea Flower Show, og hun reiser til Kina for å samle frø og gjennom hele boka setter hun selve ideen om en hage i et større perspektiv.

Utgivelsesår: 2020
Forlag: Bokförlaget Tranan
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 276
Språk: SE

pris: 329.00




Without a moment's pause, we share our most intimate thoughts with trillion-dollar tech companies. Their algorithms categorize us and jump to troubling conclusions about who we are. They also shape our everyday thoughts, choices and actions - from who we date to whether we vote. But this is just the latest front in an age-old struggle.

Part history and part manifesto, Freedom to Think explores how the powerful have always sought to influence how we think and what we buy. Connecting the dots from Galileo to Alexa, human rights lawyer Susie Alegre charts the history and fragility of our most important human right: freedom of thought.

Filled with shocking case-studies across politics, criminal justice, and everyday life, this ground-breaking book shows how our mental freedom is under threat like never before. Bold and radical, Alegre argues that only by recasting our human rights for the digital age can we safeguard our future.

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Atlantic Books
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 400
Språk: UK

pris: 269.00


With its emphasis on fresh ingredients, time-honoured heritage, and warm hospitality, Slavic cuisine is having a moment. In 2019, Georgian food was named cuisine of the year by a leading hospitality consulting firm, and the interest in Eastern European and Caucasian cuisines has only continued to rise. And yet for many American home cooks, the dishes and flavours of the former Soviet Republics might seem as far off as Siberia until now. Meaning cheers! in Ukrainian, Budmo! is the first cookbook to celebrate classic Slavic recipes with a modern, creative twist. Presented by Ukrainian-born, California-based chef, blogger, and culinary instructor Anna Voloshyna, bright flavours and vibrant ingredients sing from each plate. A gorgeous magenta pkhali comes alive with roasted beets and a tangy pomegranate molasses. Borscht is reinvented with green sorrels and semi-soft eggs. And Voloshyna even shares a personal recipe for her Ukrainian grandmother s duck roasted to a delicious crispy-brown perfection. These are the dishes that are perfect for gathering your favourite people with, and each one is bound to uncover the mouthwatering flavours and traditions of this endlessly fascinating part of the world.

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Rizzoli
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 224
Språk: UK

pris: 499.00


Truly devoted to the idea of public art, Haring created murals wherever he went.

From Matthew Burgess, the much-acclaimed author of Enormous Smallness, comes Drawing on Walls: A Story of Keith Haring. Often seen drawing in white chalk on the matte black paper of unused advertising space in the subway, Haring's iconic pop art and graffiti-like style transformed the New York City underground in the 1980s. A member of the LGBTQ community, Haring died tragically at the age of thirty-one from AIDS-related complications. Illustrated in paint by Josh Cochran, himself a specialist in bright, dense, conceptual drawings, this honest, celebratory book honors Haring's life and art, along with his very special connection with kids.

Utgivelsesår: 2020
Forlag: Enchanted Lion Books
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 64
Språk: UK

pris: 269.00

Peter Fjågesund
Med fler...

Skattøya, også kjent som Skatten på sjørøverøya, er den ultimate sjørøverromanen, skrevet av den skotske forfatteren Robert Louis Stevenson. Boken ble utgitt i 1883 og utløste forfatterens store gjennombrudd.

Den unge Jim Hawkins oppdager et skattekart på kroa familien driver og ender med å bli med skuta
Hispaniola som skal til Vestindia for å finne den sagnomsuste skatten. Med på ferden er også den enbente piraten Long John Silver, som tørster etter gull.

Skatten på sjørøverøya er blitt definerende for hele sjangere innenfor litteratur, film og spill og er en bok man bare er nødt til å få lest minst én gang i livet. Denne utgaven er illustrert med 120 fantastiske vignetter av Louis Rhead.

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Solum Bokvennen
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 320
Språk: NO

pris: 169.00 349.00




En tidligere upublisert roman og noveller fra den legendariske musikeren, sangskriveren og poeten Leonard Cohen.

Før Cohen ble verdensberømt musiker drømte han om å bli en litterær stjerne. Den kanadiske musikeren som skrev hits som "Hallelujah", "Suzanne" og "Famous Blue Raincoat" begynte først å skrive tidlig i tjueåra, og i A Ballet of Lepers: A Novel and Stories, vil leserne se at magien som gjorde Cohens tekster uforglemmelige var tilstede allerede fra den spede begynnelsen.

Tekstene i denne samlinga er skrevet mellom 1956 og 1961, og inkluderer kortprosa, et hørespill og en tidlig roman. Cohen utforsker temaer som også senere skulle prege alt han lagde: fra skam og uverdighet til seksuelt begjær og lengsel, enten det er lengsel etter kjærlighet, familie, frihet eller dypere mening. 

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Grove Press
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 256
Språk: UK

pris: 339.00




More than a decade before the release of the book that would make him famous, Robert M. Pirsig had already caught hold of the central theme that would animate Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: "Quality," a concept loosely likened to "excellence," "rightness," or "fitness" that Pirsig saw as kindred to the Buddhist ideas of "dharma" or the "Tao." As he later wrote in Zen, "Quality is the Buddha."

Though he was revered by fans who considered him a guru, the famously private Pirsig published only two books and consented to few interviews and almost no public appearances in later decades. Yet he wrote and thought almost continually, refining his "Metaphysics of Quality" until his death in 2017.

Now, for the first time, readers will be granted access to five decades of Pirsig's personal writings in this posthumous collection that illuminates the evolution of his thinking to an unprecedented degree. Skillfully edited and introduced by Wendy K. Pirsig, Robert's wife of four decades, the collection includes previously unpublished texts, speeches, letters, interviews, and private notes, as well as key excerpts from Zen and the Art of the Motorcycle Maintenance and his second book, Lila.

Since its publication in 1974, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance has established itself as a modern classic of popular philosophy; selling millions of copies and inspiring a generation, while serving as a perennial touchstone for the generations that follow. On Quality is a remarkable contribution to our understanding of one of the most influential thinkers and writers of our time.

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Mariner Books
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 192
Språk: UK

pris: 339.00


In 2010, Chelsea Manning was working as an intelligence analyst for the US Army in Iraq. She disclosed 720,000 classified military documents that she had smuggled out via the memory card of her digital camera. By far the largest leak in history, these documents revealed a huge number of diplomatic cables and footage of atrocities. She was sentenced to 35 years in military prison.

The day after her conviction, Chelsea declared her gender identity as a woman and began to transition. She was sent to a male prison, spent much of that time in appalling conditions in solitary confinement and attempted suicide multiple times. In 2017, after a lengthy legal challenge and an outpouring of support, President Obama commuted her sentence.

README.txt is a story of personal revolt, resilience and survival.Chelsea details the challenges of her childhood and adolescence in Oklahoma and in her mother's native Wales. She writes revealingly and movingly about a period of homelessness in Chicago, living under 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' in the US Army, and the experience of coming to terms with her gender identity and undergoing hormone therapy in prison. We witness her Kafkaesque trial and heroic quest for release. This powerful, courageous and observant memoir sheds light on the big themes of today - identity, authenticity, technology, the authoritarian state - and will stand as one of the definitive testaments of our digital, information-driven age.

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Bodley Head
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 259
Språk: UK





Second edition av Norges første omfattende bok som viser graffiti i Oslo 1984-2008. Tags, t-ups, burners - boka gir suveren oversikt over aktive graffitikunstnere og hvordan estetikken har utviklet seg lokalt.

Second Edition. 
For better or worse.
With errors and omissions.

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Ocht forlag
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 391
Språk: UK





A compelling, fully illustrated account of the worldwide phenomenon of science fiction as depicted in film, literature and art, and the scientific advances and imagination behind it.

Drawing on a wide range of examples from the literary and visual canons - short stories, novels, films, television programmes, video games, graphic novels, artworks and more - in both cult and popular culture, this extensively illustrated book examines how science fiction has provided a human response to science, exploring every reaction from complacency to exhilaration, and from hope to terror.

Across five chapters this volume reviews the role played by science fiction in exploring our world and a multitude of ideas about our relationship with the human condition. This encompasses a fascinating range of themes - machines, travel, aliens (the Other), communication, threats and anxiety. Featuring a range of essays by experts on the subject as well as interviews with well-known science-fiction authors and reproductions of classic ephemera, graphics and objects throughout, it also focuses on the darker elements of this fascinating genre - the anxieties, fears, dystopias, monsters and apocalypses that have populated science fiction from the beginning. Ultimately, science fiction asks what makes us human, and what lies in the future to test, threaten and even destroy humanity. This publication has these questions at its core, making it especially relevant for a contemporary readership in an age preoccupied with the climate emergency, the coronavirus pandemic, the development of nuclear missiles and military technologies, and other global challenges.

Utgivelsesår: 2022
Forlag: Thames and Hudson
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 288
Språk: NO

pris: 499.00


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