A deadly typhoon, a mysterious creature and a girl who won't quit.
In 2020, a large creature rampages through Tokyo, destroying everything in its path. In 1959, Asa Asada, a spunky young girl from a huge family in Nagoya, is kidnapped for ransom-and not a soul notices. When a typhoon hits Nagoya, Asa and her kidnapper must work together to survive. But there's more to her kidnapper and this storm than meets the eye.
Asa and Kasuga see the tail of a giant creature rise from the water. In a jungle, explorers discover massive claw marks in a tree trunk. And years later in 1964, a mysterious military man appears asking all the wrong questions.
Utgivelsesår: 2021
Forlag: Viz Media
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 208
Isbn nr.: 9781974720101
Språk: UK
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