Floyd Gottfredson
Bill Walsh
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"When Mickey’s best pal Goofy vanishes without a trace, even crazy Cousin Clabberwort can’t find him - till he turns up in a government lab, packing a genius IQ and a pet pygmy cow! Just what does Mouseton’s dippiest dawg - now known as Dr. X - have in store for the world? Does Mickey dare to find out? This climactic book of Gottfredson serials also finds Mickey plagued by Uncle Gudger, the one-man circus - and Gilhooley, the pitiless king of the leprechauns! Floyd Gottfredson and co-writer Bill Walsh infect Mouseton with the super-hi-tech of the Sputnik era, in this final volume of narrative Mickey strips.
Restored from Disney’s original proof sheets, The Mysterious Dr. X also includes more than 30 pages of top-secret extras! You’ll enjoy behind-the-scenes art, Gottfredson’s rare Christmas comics, and commentary by Disney’s own scientific geniuses!"
Utgivelsesår: 2017
Forlag: Fantagraphics Books
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 296
Isbn nr.: 9781683960553
Språk: UK
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