Jirô Taniguchi
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Tips en venn om denne boka:
"Acclaimed manga artist Jiro Taniguchi provides the latest entry in the Louvre collection of graphic novels. After a group trip to Europe, a
Japanese artist stops in Paris alone, intent on visiting the museums of the capital. But, bedridden in his hotel room with fever, he faces the absolute
solitude of one suffering in a foreign land, deprived of any immediate or familiar recourse. When the fever breaks somewhat, he sets out on his visit
and promptly gets lost in the crowded halls of the Louvre. Very soon, he discovers many unsuspected facets to this world in a museum in a journey
oscillating between feverish hallucination and reality, actually able to speak with famous painters from various periods of history, led to
crossroads between human and personal history by... the Guardians of the Louvre."
Utgivelsesår: 2017
Forlag: NBM
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 136
Isbn nr.: 9781681120348
Språk: UK
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