Pauline Butcher
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"In 1967, a chance encounter with a musical legend changed Pauline Butcher s life forever. Summoned to Frank Zappa s London hotel room to transcribe the lyrics of his album, Absolutely Free, the young English secretary experienced an unlikely meeting of minds with the charismatic American rock star, who subsequently invited Pauline to work for him in Los Angeles. Living at a log cabin in the Hollywood Hills with Frank, his family and members of his eccentric entourage, Pauline spent her days and nights in the company of a succession of famous names.
Drinking sessions with Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithfull, visits from Eric Clapton and Captain Beefheart, and the fevered rehearsals of Zappa s band the Mothers of Invention were nothing out of the ordinary in a house routinely populated by freaks, drop-outs, drug casualties and dreamers. While running Zappa s fan club and managing the GTOs, an all-girl rock act supported and produced by Frank, Pauline learned to navigate the highs and lows of life behind the scenes with a rock n roll icon, gaining an unparalleled insight into Zappa s life and work in the process.
A vivid depiction of the late sixties music industry and the sometimes stark realities behind Hollywood s perceived glamour, this memoir is the captivating story of a young English girl thrust into the mad world of a musical legend."
Utgivelsesår: 2011
Forlag: plexus
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 320
Isbn nr.: 9780859654791
Språk: UK
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