Easy finally believes he can lead a simple life and leave his haunted past behind him--until he meets a woman who changes everything.November 1963: Easy's settled into a steady gig as a school custodian. It's a quiet, simple existence--but a few moments of ecstasy with a sexy teacher will change all that. When the lady vanishes, Easy's stuck with a couple of corpses, the cops on his back, and a little yellow dog who's nobody's best friend. With his not-so-simple past snapping at his heels, and with enemies old and new looking to get even, Easy must kiss his careful little life good-bye--and step closer to the edge.
Utgivelsesår: 2002
Forlag: Washington Square Press
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 384
Isbn nr.: 9780743451802
Språk: UK
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