Whether you are a professional actor looking for fresh audition pieces, an amateur in search of competition-worthy monologues, or a student in need of the right speech for workshop, The Faber Book of Monologues for Men offers an impressive array of speeches from a diverse range of first-class playwrights.
With 25 speeches, ranging in age from 20 to 65, The Faber Book of Monologues for Men contains a rich variety of tragic, comic, realist and absurdist works by the best new playwrights, as well as brand new pieces from more established names. Each selection includes a synopsis of the play together with character commentary as well as recommendations for accents and reference to first performance.
Jane Edwardes, Theatre Editor at Time Out magazine, also provides a general introduction with helpful hints for the audition process.
Utgivelsesår: 2005
Forlag: faber and faber
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 128
Isbn nr.: 9780571217649
Språk: UK
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